Love Luxy

Screaming O Ring O Cock Ring Pack of 3

Love Luxy

Screaming O Ring O Cock Ring Pack of 3

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The popular Screaming O RingO cock ring is now available in a smart 3 pack for even greater pleasure. The pack consists of 2 cock rings of different sizes and thickness, plus a ring that can be used both around the penis and scrotum. When your ring is in place it helps with keeping blood in the penis, resulting in a harder and fuller erection and making it easy to control your ejaculation.

How to use your RingO Cock Ring:

Select the size of the ring that will best fit you and slide it over your penis until it sits at the root. A water-based lubricant applied to your penis before putting on your cock ring will make for a much easier application. If you wish to use the big cock ring around both your penis and scrotum then we suggest you put it in place before you have an erection. It will be easier and more comfortable.

Screaming O RingO Cock Ring Pack of 3 is manufactured from a flexible jelly material. The rings are perfect for both masturbation and sexual intercourse.

The big ring has an internal diameter of 4.3 cm and an external diameter of 5.7 cm.
The medium-sized ring has an internal diameter of 2.1 cm and an external diameter of 4.5 cm.
The small ring has an internal diameter of 1.8 cm and an external diameter of 3.18 cm.

DIAMETER: The big ring has an internal diameter of 4.3 cm and an external diameter of 5.7 cm. The medium-sized ring has an internal diameter of 2.1 cm and an external diameter of 4.5 cm. The small ring has an internal diameter of 1.8 cm and an external diameter of 3.18 cm.

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