Love Luxy

My Secret Screaming O Remote Control Vibrating Panty

Love Luxy

My Secret Screaming O Remote Control Vibrating Panty

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Do you dare to completely surrender yourself to your partner and give him/her complete control over your pleasure? Then the Screaming O Panty Vibe Vibrating Panties With Remote Control are a must.

The sexy lace panties have room for the small accompanying bullet in front, giving you an intense external stimulation of the clitoris when you wear them. Whether you use them for kinky play at home or while out with others, the panties will bring out your inner kinky side and give you plenty of pleasure.

Control the 10 different vibrations on the included wireless remote control, which is designed as a finger ring, so that no one will ever know what’s going on under your clothes.

The Screaming O Panty Vibe panties are tied at the side for easy adjustment to fit most sizes with a max waist circumference of 152 cm. The vibrator is made of phthalate-free silicone and is waterproof.

MATERIAL, PANTIES: Nylon and spandex.
MATERIAL, VIBRATOR: Silicone and plastic.
BATTERY TYPE: 3 x AG13 and 1 x CR-1620 (both included).
BATTERY TIME: +30 minutes.
RANGE: 15 m
SIZE, PANTIES: Adjustable. Fits hips/waist up to 152 cm
INCLUDED: Panties, vibrator, wireless remote control, and extra batteries.

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