Designer Art Deco Golden Diamante Pearl Fashion Necklace Various Styles - FREE Gift

Designer Art Deco Golden Diamante Pearl Fashion Necklace Various Styles - FREE Gift

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Product tabs

1. Golden Floral Plate Oval Black Gem Stone Pendant Long Chain Necklace

2. Strawberry Pendant Necklace With Silver Chain For Girls

3. Art Deco Golden Diamante Pendant Necklace Pearl Beads Drop

4. Golden Little Cartoon Skulls Charms Necklace

5. Golden Scripted Love Word Necklace With Pearl & Diamond Gem Drop

6. Good Luck Necklace Changeable Pendants Pearl Beads Deer & Heart

7. Silver And Gold Daisy Flower Pendant Necklace

8. Silver Bow Knot Pendant Necklace With Pearl Beads

9. Fabulous Articulated Dancing Lady Little Doll Pendant Necklace

  • One FREE - For each order over £40

 (*Maximum TWO FREE GIFTS per customer per order. The FREE gift will not be given if the minimum order value requirement is not met. )

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