
Durex Sensilube Intimate Gel 40ml


Durex Sensilube Intimate Gel 40ml

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Get help with maintaining and increasing moisture in your vagina with Sensilube Intimate Gel from Durex, and enhance pleasure for both of you.

Harmonized with the body's natural PH level, and the closest one can come to the female body's own lubricant.

The gel is flavor and fragrance neutral, and also takes care of the sensitive skin in and around the vagina. 

Recommended by gynecologists as a way to even better and more pleasurable sex life, not overlooking women going through menopause.

A discreet 40 ml bottle you can in fact have standing in your bathroom or on your nightstand. With a practical pump for perfect dosage, it is therefore very economical in use.

Condom safe to use.

MATERIAL: Intimate moisture gel.
VOLUME: 40 ml.

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