Love Luxy

Domin8 Fetish Game for Couples

Love Luxy

Domin8 Fetish Game for Couples

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The winner takes… or gives… it all with Domin8, a kinky fetish game for couples. 

In fact, you both win a kinky evening with a lot of new inspiration in this different version of the classic domino game.

Exactly as the domino you know, replace a piece with another that already is on the board, but this is where the similarities between the games end.

When a double domino is placed the player can in fact collect a small prize, which the card symbol determines. “Handcuffs” means for eg. that the partner gets tied up to furniture for the next couple turns, “Lips” means 10 sensual kisses wherever you want, and “The whip” means your partner gets 5 spanks.

Once there is a winner, the scenario card decides the big prize, where the winner can choose between dominating or being dominated.

Perfect gift idea if you wish to experiment with dominance, gentle bondage, senses play and other fetish elements, in a free and easy way.

CONTAINS: Domino cards, scenario cards, rules.

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